An everything type of blog,
for everything type of people...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ok so lets be hypothetical....
You know the guy.... that classic guy that everyone has some version of in their life. The one that is just bad news...the one that mom says to stay away from, and that friends sneer at. They know that this guy is a waste of time, and they should stay far, far away- but they can't. They find themselves slipping slowly into situations where the guy is irresistible, until they become mothers telling their children to stay away from people like them, or when they become the sneering best friend, totally unaware of the cycle that becomes them.
Thats what Ke$ha is like for me. Every time I finally decide that she has no talent and is provocatively turning my baby sisters brain to mush I turn on the radio and cant help thinking about how catchy her latest song is. They say that she is bad knews, but I can only pretend to listen and say that I have not completely fallen for Ke$ha.
So yes she may be bad knews, and she has horrible dental hygene tactics (bottle of jack anyone...) and she may be about to turn the integrity of the american public into face glitter. But all in all, I am immune to her bad qualities, because I love ke$ha.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jason Mraz

This post is one near and dear to my heart seeing that it has to do with one of my favorite people... Jason Mraz. He is the king of swing and knows how to slather on the charm like body butter on a toddler. He sings songs about his life and somehow finds a way to connect to everyone else's. He isn't too famous, or indie, and he doesn't sing with the obligational strains of most singers today.
He can do whatever he wants, and I don't mean that in a reckless rockstar way. I mean that he can scat on stage, and improvise if he feels like it. He can get emotional, he can sound raw. It's all okay.
I think that we need more artist like Jason Mraz.
A year ago or so he put out an album called: We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. It was different than any other album he had ever made. It helped him come out of his shell. He came out with the hit "I'm Yours", and ended up playing a show in Radio City Music Hall. (A show that I attended).
Now singing, dancing, and stealing things may have made him a big shot, but I still look upon some of the other tracks on the album. One of them is called, If it Kills Me. Its a great song that shows off Jason Mraz's strengths while he sings about some of his weaknesses.
Overall he is a great artist.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Music-Kate Nash

When Kate Nash came out with her love/hate song entitiled "Foundations" it was-of course-a smash hit. The song portrayed what it was like to be in a relationship going nowhere, but still not being able to accept the fact that it was over. She sings the song in a very real way as she illustates all the moments of denial in her relationship. The way that she sings I can almost see her at parties with her boyfriend, and I can imagine how she feels. She does it with gall and humor, and so the ending result is fabulous rather than angry. Of course, the world took note.

She went on tour bringing her song around the world. She spent her days singing about how the foundations of her relationship were falling apart. No one could tell that more than one foundation was ripping at the seams: Kate had a nervous breakdown on tour. The anxietly of living a non-stop life lead her to total exhaustion. She once said of being a new artist:

"It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Trying to understand sounds and working with producers is weird. You just think about so many different angles, but you still want the integrity and everything to be right."

Now while something like what kate went through might change someones world and scare them out of show biz, but not Kate. She is now out with her first album since "Foundations" entitled "My Best Friend is You". It has a feeling to it that Kate didn't seem to grasp before.

"I'm getting the opportunity to live the kind of youth lifestyle that you should be able to live and you dream of it and it feels like a film and it's well good."

She now has a new look on life. She's not Lilly Allen, and she's not messing around. She is Kate Nash and she is here to stay.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The real vampire weekend

Vampire Weekend recently put out an album called "Contra" My personal favorite song is called "Cousins" and it is superb. It has a mix of punk, rock, and some strange electronic island noises. I have no idea where they get it from but it is fantastic. This college band has struck gold again and I could not be happier. I feel that it is extremely important to take note of this band because they are sincerely life changing....It is very refreshing to see a band who utterly knows who they are....
This is the album....



Sunday, May 9, 2010

A challenge to my readers!

Here we are yet again..... I have a proposition to make....
I make my blog to share music with you, NOW ITS UR TIME TO SHARE MUSIC WITH ME!!!!
Reply with all your favorite songs and then if I think your cool enough then I might just tune in...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Don't be mistaken, this isn't a music blog. This is a LIFE CHANGING BLOG, and it just happens to talk about music.
Some music that I feel obligated to inform all of you about is the new album by MGMT. Now I do realize that there are a lot of haters out there, and I can accept them. I can see their point of view, when they look and MGMT and judge them because they are the wrong kind of different. I think that maybe they are....maybe MGMT is stupid to think that anyone is going to catch on to the new craze of being different, but for once I don't care.
For once listening to these crazy people screech out their point of view is just enough for me, and that is life changing, and so it deserves a spot on my life changing blog.
Their new album is called Congratulations, and my personal favorite song is 'Flash Delirium'
This is the cover!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

First Post

First what? I'm not sure, but its gonna be big. First post-NO! Its bigger than that. Don't call it a first post, because it has more meaning. It's a first try, at having another outlet. Or another space to be other than in my head. I'm gonna talk about all sorts or stuff, and I am going to make it interesting. I'm not sure how, so I think it would be best to talk by talking about me, because I am extremely interesting.
I sing, and I'm good at it...but not too good because then I would be conceded, and what good would that do?
I also do a million other things that aren't very interesting, and no one really pays much attention to them either. Sometimes I think I just do them to stay with the curve...WELL I'M DONE BEING IN THE CURVE.
I am not going to live life 'going through the motions' anymore. I am going to make a difference, and you are going to help. Thats why we're all here....

Let's call this a first step.