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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ok so lets be hypothetical....
You know the guy.... that classic guy that everyone has some version of in their life. The one that is just bad news...the one that mom says to stay away from, and that friends sneer at. They know that this guy is a waste of time, and they should stay far, far away- but they can't. They find themselves slipping slowly into situations where the guy is irresistible, until they become mothers telling their children to stay away from people like them, or when they become the sneering best friend, totally unaware of the cycle that becomes them.
Thats what Ke$ha is like for me. Every time I finally decide that she has no talent and is provocatively turning my baby sisters brain to mush I turn on the radio and cant help thinking about how catchy her latest song is. They say that she is bad knews, but I can only pretend to listen and say that I have not completely fallen for Ke$ha.
So yes she may be bad knews, and she has horrible dental hygene tactics (bottle of jack anyone...) and she may be about to turn the integrity of the american public into face glitter. But all in all, I am immune to her bad qualities, because I love ke$ha.